How can I correct the claims that OHIP has rejected?

How can I correct the claims that OHIP has rejected?

To find your Rejected claims:

  1. Hover over the Claims tab and choose Billing Cycle.

  2. Click the blue Rejected button.
    1. Options:

      1. Rejected [All]: a search for all claims rejected by OHIP.

      2. Rejected [Error Report]: a search for claims rejected by OHIP via an Error Report.

      3. Rejected [RA]: a search for claims returned by OHIP via a Remittance Advice (RA) report.

This following assumes that Rejected [All] was selected. Rejected [All] will include rejections from Error (3-character explanation codes) and RA reports (2-character explanation codes).

After clicking on Rejected [All], Billing Cycle results will load a report. 

Find the the column titled Expl. Code (Explanation Code).
Hover over an Expl. Code
  i   and HYPEMedical will display the code's description in a popup. 

The red arrow

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