QuickClaim: OHIP Billing (General)
How does HYPEMedical compare with QuickClaim?
Our team uses Quickclaim in two different ways. The receptionists use it when clients come in for medical appointments (mandatory for Ministry of Health, PT appointments) to verify various information, i.e., name, and health card expiry. The ...
How do I unzip a file in MS Windows?
How do I setup a Dymo or Brother label printer in QuickClaim?
How can I change the Billing Cycle report by adding and deleting data or report columns?
How can I change the Billing Cycle report by adding and deleting data or report columns? The Billing Cycle report is user-defined. The user can choose which columns will appear in the report. Users can even save several column combinations as ...
How do I add a new specialty into QuickClaim?
Typically a technician would perform the following; It is not as straight forward as adding a service code. Follow the instructions below to insert a new specialty code directly to QuickClaim's database: You are proceeding at your own risk so, take a ...
How do I add a new diagnostic code into QuickClaim?
Typically a technician would perform the following; It is not as straight forward as adding a service code. Follow the instructions below to insert the new diagnostic code directly to QuickClaim's database: You are proceeding at your own risk so, ...
How do I fix a premium code, like E098, in QuickClaim?
Unfortunately, QuickClaim sometimes does not understand the premiums in the SOB update file. In such cases, users can update percentage premiums "manually". The illustration below shows step-by-step instructions for updating a premium code's ...
How do I Close or "write off" rejected claims in QuickClaim?
The RA is paying less than the amount submitted, so the claim stays rejected when reconciled. Should I change the amount on the claim to reflect the amount paid or leave the claim rejected? The solution is to Close the claims or "Write them off." The ...
Updating QuickClaim with OHIP's NEW Fee Schedule Master
Updating QuickClaim with a new SOB (Schedule of Benefits) Per the Ontario Info-Bulletin released on December 24, 2024, physicians’ payments have increased by 9.95% effective January 1, 2025 to March 31, 2025. The Ministry’s updated Fee Schedule ...
Manually updating QuickClaim’s service codes
*Originally published August 8, 2020