HYPE Systems Inc. | Knowledge Base
Begin: Online OHIP Billing
First steps to online OHIP billing with HYPEMedical
HYPEMedical: OHIP Billing Online
Articles illustrating HYPE Medical's billing features.
User Groups, Accounts & Permissions
General Topics
Subject matter that may be relevant to our user community, that is unrelated to HYPE Medical specifically.
Generating Patient Form, Custom Templates & Paperwork
OHIP Billing by Services
Patient Records
Patient Registration & Reports
QuickClaim: OHIP Billing (General)
QuickClaim is HYPE Systems' OHIP billing & practice management software. It is the easiest, most user-friendly software to learn and has been used for over 10 years in clinics and in classrooms throughout Ontario.
Scheduling Locations, Doctors & Patient Appointments