Updating QuickClaim with OHIP's NEW Fee Schedule Master

Updating QuickClaim with OHIP's NEW Fee Schedule Master

Updating QuickClaim with a new SOB (Schedule of Benefits)

  1. Click here to download the new OHIP Fee Schedule Master ZIP 
    1. sources: 
      1. https://www.ontario.ca/page/ohip-schedule-benefits-and-fees#section-2
      2. https://www.ontario.ca/page/ohip-schedule-benefits-and-fees

  2. UNZIP the downloaded SOB file. Please note that the sob file is only meant to be readable by billing software. Do not open the file after you unzip it.

  3. Open QuickClaim
  4. On QuickClaim's Main Menu click on the Codes icon
  5. Click on Have Disk
  6. Browse (to the unzipped SOB file) 

  7. Click on the file to select it
  8. Click Open

    Click Start and QuickClaim will start processing the new SOB

    When it's done, click 'OK.'
    You're done!