One Bulk Action on Many Claims

One Bulk Action on Many Claims

Edit Selected Claims

will place all selected claims in a queue. The queue will present the user with all selected claims items for editing in succession.

Mark Selected Claims as 'UNSUBMITTED' 

will change the status of Submitted claims to Unsubmitted with a single click. The claims can then be resubmit by the user.

Re-Bill Selected Claims

will allow the user to clone previously entered claims with a new service date. For example a group of patients with a recurring treatment can be billed with a single click.

Mark Selected Claims as 'PAID'

will change the current status of claims to Paid [By User]. For example rejected claims with code 35 can be marked paid with a single click.

Mark Selected Claims as 'CLOSED'

will change the current status of claims to Closed. For example partially paid claims can be closed to show a loss/write-off.

Submit Selected Claims 

will submit selected claims that are in the Unsubmitted status

A single click to manage many claims

*Originally published August 8, 2020
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