HYPEMedical's keyboard shortcut - Alt123

Is there keyboard Shortcut access in HYPEMedical's Interface?

Yes, there are two types using the Alt and Shift Alt keys

HYPEMedical's keyboard shortcut using the Alt key and the numbers keys.
For example to access the 
Patient History tab on the third tab of the Claim form use Alt 3.

Similarly, the Alt 2 key combination will load the to return to Claim Details.


Note: The"Alt 123" keyboard functionality exists on all of HYPEMedical forms!

Similarly, Shift Alt loads the top link on each submenu.
For example, Shift Alt C is equivalent to a mouse click on Claims or Create Claim in that it will load the Claim form. 

Use the Shift Ctrl keyboard shortcuts to quickly load their respective forms.