One Click - Creating A RAI Form, In HYPEMedical

How do I create an RA Inquiry in HYPEMedical?

One Click - Creating A RA Inquiry, In HYPEMedical:

Step 1: Find and open the claim in the Claim \ Claim Details page:
  1. Click the Add/Edit RAI Note(s) button.
  2. Type your Note(s) and Save the Add/Edit RAI Note(s) form
    Unchecking the service code checkbox will remove its note.

Step 2: One Click -  generate a complete RAI PDF:
  1. Click the RAI PDF button on the top of the Claim \ Claim Details page to generate a PDF of the RAI form
  2. Fax the RAI PDF form to MOHLTC at 905-434-4186, as per Bulletin Number: 210902

A single service code version of the RAI form can be generated from the red arrow menu of the Claim \ Claim Details page.

Published November 5, 2023

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