How can I change the Billing Cycle report by adding and deleting data or report columns?

How can I change the Billing Cycle report by adding and deleting data or report columns?

How can I change the Billing Cycle report by adding and deleting data or report columns?

The Billing Cycle report is user-defined. The user can choose which columns will appear in the report. Users can even save several column combinations as shortcut buttons for future use.

The Billing Cycle search form includes a Report Columns panel (light green band).

(Un)Checking columns determines the data, or report columns, that will be displayed. 

To efficiently manage a variety of report column combinations, use the Set Column Selection button (green button).

Set Column Selection setup:

  1. Choose the columns
  2. Click on the Set Column Selection button
  3. Name the shortcut button, and click Save.
  4. Repeat to create more shortcut buttons.
In the image above, a user created a shortcut button named Column_Selection_1.

To edit or delete a shortcut button, press the Shift key and click on your shortcut button.

The above Set Column Selection instructions for the Claim \ Billing Cycle \ Search form also apply to the Appointments \ Appointments Search \ Search form.

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