How can I bill with fees from the previous SOB after you have updated with the current SOB?

How can I bill with fees from the previous SOB after HYPEMedical was updated with the current SOB?

HYPEMedical offers a powerful feature that empowers you, the end user, to efficiently handle service code fees from the previous schedule of benefits (SOB).

First, you must turn on the option to use the previous SOB's fees:
Go to SysAdmin \ Claim Setup \ Claim Settings

Scroll down and check the  Enable the use previous SOB option,  
Then, choose the last date on which the previous SOB was effective.

Next, Go to Claim \ Create Claim \ Search \refresh (Ctrl F5) HYPEMedical and check  Use previous SOB
Search and select a patient record from the search results. Once a patient is chosen, the previous Schedule of Benefits (SOB) fees will be "permanently" stored in your web browser's memory. You can then fill out the claim form or edit other claims needing access to the previous SOB fees.

To clear your web browser's memory from the previous SOB's fees, first uncheck the   Use previous SOB box and then refresh (Ctrl F5) HYPEMedical. 

Be mindful that the Date and checkbox in the Enable the use previous SOB option in the SysAdmin \ Claim Setup \ Claim Settings page will need updating with each new SOB fees release.


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