Did you know that one format HYPEMedical has for downloading an RA is in the same format that OHIP originally released it?
Yes, in addition to the usual RA report in PDF and Spread Sheet formats a raw format may be required. A colleague may need to process an RA on a different billing software. HYPEMedical's automation of MCEDT means that users can download and share their RAs with colleagues.
Here's how:
Hover over Claims
Click on MCEDT Files
Click on Remittance Advice Files Tab
Click on Advanced Search Options
Click on the Doctor Profile drop down arrow
Select the doctor
Find the RA in the search results and hover over the red arrow to get the context menu
One Click - Creating A RA Inquiry, In HYPEMedical: Step 1: Find and open the claim in the Claim \ Claim Details page: Click the Add/Edit RAI Note(s) button. Type your Note(s) and Save the Add/Edit RAI Note(s) form Unchecking the service code checkbox ...
There are four possible outcomes or scenarios: The Four Scenarios Most OHIP claims follow the ideal billing flow shown in the rightmost flow chart (Best Scenario). In the "Best Scenario" a Claim is entered and saved to the UNSUBMITTED status, then ...
This most often occurs when users edit a submitted claim and resubmit it. The permision to edit claims in the Submitted status should be reserved for administrators. In the following example the service date was edited after the claim was submitted ...
Billing OHIP: Click the Claims button in the main menu, search for a patient, and hit Enter. Enter Service codes, and hit Enter. Search or create the next patient, hit Enter, and Go to step #1. Saving a claim for a new patient will also automatically ...