The RA is paying less than the amount submitted, so the claim stays rejected when reconciled. Should I change the amount on the claim to reflect the amount paid or leave the claim rejected?
The solution is to Close the claims or "Write them off."
The Close Account button will remove a rejected claim from the Rejected Claims list.
- Go to the Main Menu and click the Claims button, and the Claims screen will open.
- Click the Rejected Claims index tab near the top of the window. You will see a list of all claims previously submitted to OHIP.
- To remove any of these rejected claims from the list, select a claim (account) record by clicking it, and then click the Close Account button. QuickClaim will respond with a confirmation message: "Are you sure you want to close this account?"
- After confirmation, this entire claim will not be rejected anymore. Each item in this claim will still be included or searchable under Patient History, Past Claims, and Monthly Totals.
3. An efficient way to Close many claims (image below):
- Arrange the data in a single block(s) by clicking on the relevant column header to sort ascending or descendingly.
- Click on the claim (account) record at the top of the block and drag your mouse to the last claim (account) record at the bottom of the block. Let go of the mouse button, and QuickClaim will display the claim (account) records as a gray block.
- Click the Close Account button. QuickClaim will respond with a confirmation message: "You have selected multiple accounts. Are you sure you want to close all of them?"
- After confirmation, these claims will not be rejected claims anymore. However, each item in these claims will be included or searchable under Patient History, Past Claims, and Monthly Totals.